Story of a Cancer Survivor Women (Renu)

Let's Hear From a Cancer Survivor Helped by Poonam Sansthan

Let's Hear From a Cancer Survivor Helped by Poonam Sansthan

As we all know, cancer is leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for more than 10 million deaths. The struggles and efforts of the stages of cancer is a deadly experience one can have in their life. Many types of cancers can be cured if recognized early and treated effectively.

So, we came across a lady who was fighting for her life and struggling through cancer. Renu, was suffering from last stage of cancer for 1.5 years and had an expectation to live life like others. As we all know, cancer is the most gruelling stage of life. Renu was battling with her life and with every other thing as the situation of her home was not good at all. She has two sons, the elder one earns around 8 to 9 thousand and the younger one is a street dancer who does busking to earn. They live in a small rented room in Uttamnagar, Delhi and they get their basic needs like ration, food from the government. Her husband used to earn money to live a normal life by selling different things as a vendor. Now, as she was suffering from this deadly disease, he had to quit his daily earning process and stay at home to look after her. Due to this condition of Renu, all the other members of her family are extremely disturbed and are running out of money. Their financial condition is not stable and they are immensely in need of money for cancer treatment.

So, we at Poonam Sansthan came up with the decision to help this patient who is helpless and in hope of recovery.  We raised donations for Renu’s treatment and took all the responsibility of her every doctor’s visit including medications and hospital charges.

Zorawar, a guy from Canada who owns a company named North Express, helped a lot in the donations for Renu’s treatment. In fact, all the hospital treatment charges were given by Zorawar and he helped a lot in this recovery by huge donations. We are over the moon with our achievement as Renu has recovered successfully from the last stage of cancer.

Priyanshu Gupta has also helped a lot in this recovery and donated with his whole heart